Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sour Ribbon

Stress out with final examination, but knowing He always be with me and having YOU around me, I'll be fine. :D

Friday, April 22, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Today was strange

Is it healthy to never fight with someone? No texts & No calls so far. Thank you so much.

//Happy Birthday lil sister, Mahfuzah Md Saleh.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A real passion


Are the strongest fastest and smartest athletes in the world. But that’s not what makes them unique. They are the MOST dedicated people in the world. They sacrifice their lives to a sport of fighting. Where practice is 3 hours of pulling and driving and sweating. 3 hours of a literal fight. 

They give up there social lives. They cant party and get drunk because getting up for practice at 6 am on Saturday won’t allow it. They cant go smoke after school cause they worked too damn hard to get into shape. They have no substitutes out on the bench to help get past an opponent. They sit on the river with all eyes on them, alone, no one to fall back on when they make a mistake, no safety to make the tackle, and no goaly to make a diving save. 

They are the leanest meanest and strongest in the world. Guys want them, GUYS want to be just like them. So this is a tribute to all those who sacrifice everything, their free time, and most importantly their life. Why would someone work so hard? Or why would they induce the blood, sweat, and tears? Or the early morning runs, or mid day workouts or the extra erg after practice. 

The road in rowing always ends in tears. The team that takes second crys cause their dreams are over, and the team that wins it all crys more than anybody because finally everything that they have worked on is finally worth while. Rowers will row  through anything because they are friggin’ rowers. And greatness walks right with the word rower. 

I salute all who commit there life to something greater, something bigger than themselves. Rowers don’t row  because they like it, you would be crazy to like to beat yourself up on a daily basis, and get beaten up by teammates and opponents just as much. Yet there are the few who love it, they do it cause they were born to. These select people I applaud. There is no future in rowing, no pro league, no million dollar contract. Just a smelly erg room and a dream to be great. 

Rowing is not a sport, its a lifestyle.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Everyone should have
a friend like you
You are so much fun to be with
And you are such a good person
You crack me up with laughter
And touch my heart with your kindness
You have a wonderful ability
To know when to offer advice
And when to sit in quiet support
Time after time
You've come to my rescue
And brightend so many
Of my routine days
And time after time
I've realized how fortunate
I am that my life includes you
I really do believe that
Everybody should have a friend like you
But so far it looks like
You are one of a kind.. :)

So.. It's your birthday baby!

Happy Birthday Razlinda Zailan. Dah mencecah angka 2 tak semestinya dah tua. Yang penting jiwa kena sentiasa muda. :)

Terima kasih daun keladi kerana sentiasa bersabar dengan segala macam karenah dan perangai aku sepanjang kita berkawan. Maaf segala perbuatan dan kata kata aku yang kasar, (macam nak mintak maaf pagi raya pulak kan) halalkan segala makan dan minum aku ye. Happy Birthday again.  :) May you will get what you want in life & never stop rowing okay! :D

 *Gambar kau memang semua macam ni lah sorry aku tak jumpa gambar yang normal haha.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Apri Day 15

Last day of classes & last presentation. Hectic week of the semester is over! Gonna study real hard for the final exam. But before that, meet the boathouse first! Hello Putrajaya! :D

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April Day 14

If yesterday didn’t end up the way you planned it always remember that :

 “if God wanted your yesterday to be perfect, He doesn't need to create today.”

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April Day 13

3 days to go. To your big day. :)

Homesick lah wey.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

April Day 11

Hectic week starts today.

Tuesday : Traffic Presentation & Sustainable test.
Wednesday : Engineers And Society Presentation & Traffic Lab test.
Thursday : Mechanical And Electrical & Sustainable Presentation. Also the last day of report submission.
Friday : Need to settle up Environment report & individual assignment.

&& During weekends, I'm off to Putrajaya! Say hi to the boathouse yeay!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

April Day 10

Bila rindu, terkenangmu sayang. 
Terasa sayu syahdunya jiwaku.
 Bila malam, makin kelam.
 Jauh terbang diriku melayang....


Saturday, April 09, 2011

April Day 9

Water confident di tasik UTHM. Main kayak & single scull dengan Zul, Apam, Latib, Hady, Farooq, Tetty, Ain & Alia. Yang lain semua tak datang, mana lah mereka pergi. It's been a while since the last time I went there. Main polo air, capsize kan orang atas kayak, berenang2 dalam tasik. Sebusuk2 air tasik tu, segeli2 air tasik tu lah yang merapatkan lagi hubungan kitorang. Ouh how I miss the old times... :(

//The best crime one would do is to steal someone's heart. And you've stolen my heart without realising.

Friday, April 08, 2011

April Day 8

Cepat cepat habis study cepat cepat kahwin okay!

Bagi can lah letak gambar nak emo sikit. :p

Thursday, April 07, 2011

April Day 7

So which one is your target? MY TARGET to be exact.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

April Day 6

**Kalau bunuh orang itu bukan dosa besar, pasti KAU telah aku bunuh. :)

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

April Day 5

Umpama mimpi dalam mimpi. :)

Monday, April 04, 2011

April Day 4

What would you do if someone that you love, crying so bad in front of you because of someone else?
What would you feel?

Berpijak lah di atas bumi yang nyata, balik kepada realiti. Kena pandai membezakan dunia realiti dan fantasi. Hidup ini bukan seperti lakonan di atas pentas teater.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

April Day 3

A letter to a good friend of mine.

"It doesn't matter how long or short we all knew each other. What's more important is what we went through together and all the stupid and smart things we did together. Things & our passion that we all treasure them and place them in our hearts. I really hope you will be strong. I know you will. Your back injuries will be okay sooner or later. Makan ubat ikut waktu & pergi fisio ikut appointment okay jangan malas jangan ponteng. I guess I'm only left with praying and hoping for the best of your health. Please don't loss motivation, cause I know you can face this. Just remember that I'm always be here for you, no matter how hard life is. By your side I would always stand and you'll stand by mine too. Because that’s what best friends do. So no matter what happens with us in life, through all of the wrongs and all of the rights, I’m here for you to be a best friend. That’s true, cause I love you."

Loves ; 
Madihah Saleh

Saturday, April 02, 2011

April Day 2


- Menghargai masa sepenuhnya di rumah bersama keluarga.
- Masih lagi belum menyiapkan kerja yang berlambak lambak tu.
- TV rumah rosak pulak, dah lah ASTRO dah tak ada. Sabar je lah.
- Tidak keluar ke mana2, sekadar menemani Ibu ke pasar malam sahaja.
- Tidak menonton AF mahupun bola. LAME-O? Ada aku kisah?
- Merindui seseorang. Ye faham, jarang balik rumah mesti busy busy. Gitu lah gamaknya.


*I didn't go practice this week. It was a nice weekends too. No erg no 2K. Hah!

Friday, April 01, 2011

Katakan TAK NAK pada merokok

April Foooooooool

- Studying for Traffic test.
- Design class was only for 25 minutes. Lecturer datang lambat setengah jam. Boleh?
- Environment class cancel. AGAIN.
- Drama drama dan drama.

Pandai lah nak cakap, penat nak kena jaga hati orang. Tapi hati orang pernah kau jaga Madihah? *Monolog dalaman.

Final exam in less than a month. Wake up Madihah, dah tak ada masa nak main main dah!